About Bibles & Translating

Evaluating Different Bibles by Literalness

Evaluating Different Bibles by Literalness

Evaluating Different Bibles by Literalness
By David Cox

This post is to help us get a focus on the difference between Bible versions. To get a focus on the subject of Bibles, we need to understand that there are different translation theories used in translating the Bible (or any literary work) from one language to another.

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Bible Compare Isa 7:14 virgin

In this post we will compare a lot of English Bibles on the passage of Isa 7:14

Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

I don’t necessarily want to do a full defense of this translation of Scripture because I am not doing these Bible compares to exposit Bible (absolutely). But in the end analysis, that is exactly what we will have to do. The point is to compare how different translators treated difficult passages.

Note that I am using theWord free Bible Software to do this analysis which is very easy with the sofBible Compare Isa 7:14 virgin tware package.

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