Murdock English Translation of the Peshitta
Murdock English Translation of the Peshitta
James Murdock- The New Testament, Or, The Book of the Holy Gospel of Our Lord and God, Jesus the Messiah (1851).
Murdock English Translation of the Peshitta
James Murdock- The New Testament, Or, The Book of the Holy Gospel of Our Lord and God, Jesus the Messiah (1851).
Leeser’s Jewish Bible (1853) is a Jewish Bible (Old Testament) made for Jews in the United States in the 1800s.
New Simplified Bible is a “non-Jehovah’s Witness” Bible version, but it distinctly translates under the doctrinal view that the Bible doesn’t teach the doctrine of the Trinity.
Format: for theWord Bible Program
LA BIBLIA DE LAS AMÉRICAS es una traducción fiel de las Sagradas Escrituras, según fueron escritas originalmente en hebreo, arameo y griego. Se ha producido con el propósito de ofrecer al mundo de habla hispana la riqueza y el poder de la Palabra de Dios en forma tal que sea un verdadero tesoro devocional y un instrumento práctico de estudio.
Esta versión es producto de la intensa labor y dedicación de un considerable número de eruditos de distintas denominaciones cristianas, representantes de varios países de Hispanoamérica, de España y de los Estados Unidos. Se publica con la firme convicción de que las Sagradas Escrituras, según fueron escritas en los idiomas originales, fueron inspiradas por Dios, y puesto que son su eterna Palabra, hablan con renovado poder a cada generación para impartir la sabiduría que lleva a la salvación en Cristo, equipando al creyente para disfrutar de una vida abundante y feliz en la tierra, y constituyéndolo en testimonio viviente de la verdad para la gloria eterna de Dios. Continue reading
On July 7, 1870, it was moved in the Lower House of the Convocation of Canterbury that in the work of revision the cooperation of American divines be invited. This resolution was assented to, and on December 7, 1871, the arrangements were completed. Under the general presidency of Dr. Philip Schaff, an Old Testament Company of fifteen scholars was formed, with Dr. W. H. Green as chairman, and a New Testament Company of sixteen members (including Dr. Schaff), with Dr. T. D. Woolsey as chairman. Work was begun on October 4, 1872, and took the form of offering criticisms on the successive portions of the English revision as they were received.
American Bible Union New Testament 1865 also known as Anderson New Testament 1865
The World_English Bible (also known as the WEB) is a freeware updated revision of the American Standard Version (1901). It is one of the only public domain, modern-English translations of the entire Bible. It is freely distributed using electronic formats. The Bible was created on the base of the ASV by volunteers on the project and edited by Rainbow Missions, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation. The translation also includes the following Apocryphal books. Translation theory…
Module version: 1.0
Description: First of all, one thing that it is ‘not’ is a “new translation”. No new translation work has been done. No new manuscripts have been found. No new scholarship has been invented. No new theories on textual criticism have been laid out.
In this post we will compare a lot of English Bibles on the passage of Isa 7:14
Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
I don’t necessarily want to do a full defense of this translation of Scripture because I am not doing these Bible compares to exposit Bible (absolutely). But in the end analysis, that is exactly what we will have to do. The point is to compare how different translators treated difficult passages.
Note that I am using theWord free Bible Software to do this analysis which is very easy with the sofBible Compare Isa 7:14 virgin tware package.
Concordant Literal Version CLU is a version has for each origin language word, a standard English translation for that word. In this way, you can clearly see the correspondence.