Author: Pastor David

Peshitta Bible Version

Peshitta theWord Modules

Peshitta theWord Modules

Similarly, many early Middle Eastern Christians spoke Syriac as a lingua franca, and their Bible translation (still used by many Eastern Christian rites, particularly those not in communion with the Orthodox Church) is known as the Peshitta.

Peshitta theWord Modules

Because the original Peshitta is in Syriac, this makes it very impractical for most Bible students to use (seeing as they usually don’t speak Syriac). Therefore people have made English translations of these. Continue reading

Holy New Covenant (aka Galilee Translation) (2002)

The Holy New Covenant Translation was created by the Galilee Translation Project.  A group of Christians translated the New Testament while in Palestine in 1975.  It was distributed in the area of Palestine and used in many foreign schools to teach the English language.  It was also translated into Arabic and distributed in the Middle East.  The translation was again printed in 1999, and placed online and in the public domain in 2002.

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