ExeGeses Ready Research Bible
ExeGeses Ready Research Bible
exeGeses ready_research Bible is a literal translation and transliteration of Scripture. The Authorized King James Version transformed into a literal translation and transliteration, with myriads of exegeses at the point of occurrence.
The Authorized King James Version transformed into a literal translation and transliteration, with myriads of exegeses at the point of occurrence.
All exegeses are defined in the Lexicon
Zukeran A Compilation of articles on the Cults is a compilation of 21 articles on the different cults and cultism in general. These articles are from Probe.org, and are excellent short articles on different points (unbiblical positions of the cults) for your study and understanding.
Zukeran Articles on the Cults theWord format.
Zukeran Articles on the Cults PDF format
Zukeran Articles on the Cults Mysword format.
The King James text is in regular type.
The text under exegeses is in oblique type.
The text of the exegeses is in bold type.
ERRB-ExeGeses-Ready-Research-Bible.ont (0 downloads ) ECB-exeGeses-companion-Bible.ont (0 downloads )Exegeses is the plural form of the word meaning an explanation and interpretation of Scripture. It comes from two Greek words with the intent of “drawing out from” of “leading out from.” Thus, the overall implication is “to draw out from Scripture its original meaning.” This diligent research and investigation to ascertain the original meanings has been completed and is now available for students of the Bible. Translation is the rendering of “words” from one language to another. Transformed in Romans 12:2 is newly translated as Metamorphosed. One can readily see the implications and applications when the translation goes back to the original text. Transliteration is the rendering of “alphabet letters” from one language t another. The name God id transliterated from the original Hebrew text and His name now occurs as Yah Veh, Elohim, El Shadday and other titles. All exeGeses are numerically coded to Strong’s numbering system and defined in the Lexicon. The exeGeses Bible allows one to dig deeply into the meaning of the original text simply by reading. The research has already taken place. amazon.com
This post is a walk through on how to use theWord to search the Bible for a word or phrase. If your Bible version installed in theWord has Strong's Numbers, you can search on that.