Wm. Whiston’s Primitive New Testament Published in 1745

Wm. Whiston’s Primitive New Testament, Published in 1745 is a translated version from the original languages, using three codexes.

In this revision of the King James Version, William Whiston based his translation of the New Testament from three “primitive” manuscripts: the Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis for the Gospels and Acts; the Codex Claromontanus for the Pauline epistles; and the Codex Alexandrinus for the remaining content. (https://ebooks.faithlife.com/product/126611/mr-whistons-primitive-new-testament)

Wm. Whiston’s Primitive New Testament, Published in 1745

Church Planting Articles: Handling Gossip
is a short article on considerations of Pastors being married and having children. These are requirements that God places on pastors. For those who do not think they need to be married, yet qualify for being pastors, the Bible sternly states otherwise.
See my Tract: pc29 Don-t be a Gossip.


Wm.-Whistons-Primitive-New-Testament-Published-in-1745-WhistonNT1745.zip (45 downloads )


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