Meyer F.B. Our Daily Walk devotional

Meyer F.B. Our Daily Walk devotional

Sample devotional:

February 22

Dagg Manual of Theology
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Dagg Manual of Theology (theWord Bible Format)
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Dagg Manual of Theology (PDF Format)

“Behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to Heaven; and, behold, the angels of God ascending and descending on it.”– Gen 28:12.

“Hereafter ye shall see Heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.– Joh 1:51.

BETHEL WAS a bleak moorland in the heart of Canaan. The hill-sides and level downs were strewn with huge boulders. As he fled north wards, Jacob suddenly found himself overtaken by the swift eastern night while he was traversing this desolate moor. There was nothing for it but to lie down on the hard ground, taking one of the big stones as a pillow for his head. As he slept, he dreamed; and in his dream his mind wove together his last waking thoughts in fantastic medley. It seemed as if the big slabs of limestone came together, and built themselves into a gigantic staircase, reaching from where he lay to the starry heights above him; and on that staircase angels came and went, peopling by their multitudes that most desolate region, and evidently interested in the sleeper who lay beneath.

Let us think of that mystic ladder which is Jesus Christ our Lord, by which He descended to our humanity and ascended to the Throne of God. He is “the Way” by which “the sons of ignorance and night” can pass upward to the eternal Light and Love. Where are you? It may be on a moorland waste, in a ship’s cabin, a settler’s hut, in a humble cottage, in the crowded city, lying on a bed of pain in the hospital ward! Wherever you are, Jesus finds you out and comes just where you are. The one pole of the ladder is the gold of His Deity, the other the silver of His Manhood, which is placed against your life. Transmit to Him your burdens of sin and care and fear. “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.” “We have a Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus.” None of us is outside God’s loving thought and care. There is always a linking ladder between ourselves and Heaven, and God’s angels still pass to and fro, sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation. Let us see to it that we wait at the foot of the ladder to claim our share in the blessings which they bring to earth.


We thank Thee, O Father, that from whatever place Thy children seek Thee, there is a ladder reaching up beyond the stars to Heaven; that Jesus is the Way to Thyself, and we may come to Thee in Him; nay, Thou dost come to us, and dost send Thine angels to minister to our need, that Heaven is near to earth, with sympathy, help, and succour. AMEN.


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