Biblical archaeology, for most people to whom the expression means anything, is almost exclusively associated with the Old Testament. There are several reasons for this. One is that the historical setting of the New Testament—the Graeco-Roman world of the first century A.D.—was well-known from the writings of classical authors of the period, and there was no need for archaeological research to recover the record of vanished civilizations such as form the historical setting of the greater part of the Old Testament narrative.
Hoekstra, Bob Day by Day God’s Grace
Hoekstra, Bob Day by Day God’s Grace. A daily devotional by Bob Hoekstra.
Wycliffe New Testament
Wycliffe New Testament
Old Church Slavonic Bible [OCS] (Russian)
Significant later recensions of Old Church Slavonic (referred to as Church Slavonic) in the present time include: Slovene, Croatian, Serbian and Russian. In all cases, denasalization of the yuses occurred; so that only Old Church Slavonic, modern Polish and some isolated Bulgarian dialects retained the old Slavonic nasal vowels.-Wikipedia
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Biblia del OSO 1569 sin apócrifo 1.0
This translation was known as the “Biblia del Oso” (in English: Bear Bible) because the illustration on the title page showed a bear trying to reach a container of honeycombs hanging from a tree. Since that date, it has undergone various revisions notably those of 1602, 1862, 1909, 1960, 1977, 1995, [1] and more recently in 2011.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
Holman Christian Standard Bible After several years of preliminary development, Holman Bible Publishers, the oldest Bible publisher in America, assembled an international, interdenominational team of 100 scholars, editors, stylists, and proofreaders, all of whom were committed to biblical inerrancy to produce the Holman Christian Standard Bible.
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Bruce, F. F. – Are the NT Documents Reliable
Bruce, F. F. – Are the NT Documents Reliable
Berkhof, Louis – Introduction to New Testament
Berkhof, Louis – Introduction to New Testament
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Bonar, Horatius Light and Truth Devotional
Bonar, Horatius Light and Truth Devotional A daily devotional from Horatius Bonar
Russian Synodal Text 1876 [RST] (Russian) (eSword)
The Russian Synodal Bible (Russian: Синодальный перевод, The Synodal Translation) is a Russian non-Church Slavonic translation of the Bible commonly used by the Russian Orthodox Church, Russian Baptists[1] and other Protestant as well as Roman Catholic communities in Russia.
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