Hebrew Old Testament Strongs HOT+

Hebrew Old Testament Strongs HOT+ is an esword module that has the Hebrew Old Testament text along with the Strong’s number for lookup in the Strong’s Dictionary module.

Hebrew Study Bible
Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament with Strong’s numbers and transliteration

Dixon The Holy Spirit in life and service is a 19 chapter work on the Holy Spirit and various of His relationships and how He works. Chapters on the Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit, His relationship with young people, the Bible, Bible study, the Evangelist, the Sunday School Teacher, the Pastor, the Christian worker, the purity of the Mind, missions, Christ, etc. PDF: Dixon The Holy Spirit in life and service
theWord: Dixon The Holy Spirit in life and service
MySword: Dixon The Holy Spirit in life and service
eSword: Dixon The Holy Spirit in life and service

The text is the Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, keyed to Strong’s numbers, with interlinear and transliteration.

This is the same database available at http://interlinearbible.org/.
The database was kindly provided by John Isett from http://biblos.com/.

Brackets [ ] signify Ketiv (written).
Parentheses ( ) signify Qere (read).

I suggest using ‘SBL Hebrew’ font.

This module was taken off of the e-Sword home site, http://www.esword.net

For the HOT without strong numbers see https://www.eswordlibrary.com/bible-versions/hebrew-bibles/hebrew-old-testament-strongs-hot/

For this Bible and more Bibles in theWord format see https://www.theword.net/index.php?downloads.modules&l=english

More Hebrew Bibles


In this class, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge we show you what is and how to use TSK, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. This work is simply a commentary of all the verses in the Bible where the author has gone through hundreds if not thousands of English study Bibles, and he has added whatever Bible references each of those Bibles had on that particular verse. As a pastor making sermons, this excellent reference tool within theWord can help you generate a very excellent sermon in a minimum of time and effort. This will leave you with a lot of extra time to pursue illustrations, commentary explanations, making structure and outline of the sermon, etc. It is a God send for preachers, really! Pastor David Cox