Byzantine Orthodox NT (Greek)

Greek New Testament (with accents) as it is used by the Greek Orthodox Church

The Byzantine Greek New Testament (BGNT), is a new scholarly edition of the Greek New Testament. The BGNT base text is compiled from a consensus of readings from the Byzantine Kr or family 35 textform. It will serve as the comparison base text for both our online and future printed edition of the BGNT.

In the future, CSPMT will be adding to the BGNT an online critical apparatus. It will include variant readings from various manuscripts from most of the significant Byzantine text groups of the Greek NT. In addition, several lectionary manuscripts and editions will be included in the critical apparatus. The major Byzantine Church Fathers and commentators will be cited. Readings from the Orthodox Antoniades Greek New Testament will be cited for the first time in a critical edition apparatus along with the Textus Receptus and other critical text editions and manuscripts for comparison.

Church Planting Articles: Handling Gossip
is a short article on considerations of Pastors being married and having children. These are requirements that God places on pastors. For those who do not think they need to be married, yet qualify for being pastors, the Bible sternly states otherwise.
See my Tract: pc29 Don-t be a Gossip.

The main objectives of the online BGNT edition are, to provide an online edition of the Byzantine Greek NT with critical apparatus for manuscript comparison and study. In addition, to offer a comprehensive traditional text edition with a manuscript based critical apparatus without exclusion of important Byzantine text-type witnesses. Our future hardcopy BGNT edition will allow for easy comparison of various Byzantine text manuscripts compared with other text forms of the Greek NT.


The class, Advanced Bible Searches NEAR shows you how to use the search NEAR function in theWord. This function will allow searching for situations where the word "Son" "Christ" are within so many words or verses of each other, but not necessarily next to each other. This is a very powerful function that is totally lacking in other Bible programs. You "loosely" search for two words or phrases that are just "near each other."