Alford’s Greek New Testament
by Henry Alford
Critics about the Greek New Testament
James Rosscup writes that Alford’s series on the New Testament “contains much that is valuable in the Greek New Testament…though all of the Greek New Testament words have been changed to English throughout.”
Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel is a basic doctrinal treatise for Assurance, Conversion, Eternal Life, Judgment, Justification, Perfection, Regeneration, Salvation, Sanctification, and Separation.
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John Piper writes “When I’m stumped with a…grammatical or syntactical or logical [question] in Paul, I go to Henry Alford. Henry Alford…comes closer more consistently than any other human commentator to asking my kinds of questions.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon writes that this text “is an invaluable aid to the critical study of the text of the New Testament. You will find in it the ripened results of a matured scholarship, the harvesting of a judgment, generally highly impartial, always worthy of respect, which has gleaned from the most important fields of Biblical research, both modern and ancient, at home and abroad. You will not look here for any spirituality of thought or tenderness of feeling; you will find the learned Dean does not forget to do full justice to his own views, and is quite able to express himself vigorously against his opponents; but for what it professes to be, it is an exceedingly able and successful work. The later issues are by far the most desirable, as the author has considerably revised the work in the fourth edition. What I have said of his Greek Testament applies equally to Alford’s New Testament for English Readers, which is also a standard work.” (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors’ College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)
taken from
alford-henry-the-greek-testament.cmt.twm (14 downloads )
Dixon The Holy Spirit in life and service is a 19 chapter work on the Holy Spirit and various of His relationships and how He works. Chapters on the Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit, His relationship with young people, the Bible, Bible study, the Evangelist, the Sunday School Teacher, the Pastor, the Christian worker, the purity of the Mind, missions, Christ, etc.
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