English Standard Version The ESV Version
English Standard Version
The ESV® Bible (English Standard Version®) is an “essentially literal” translation of the Bible in contemporary English. The ESV Bible emphasizes “word-for-word” accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning. The ESV is ideally suited for personal reading, for public worship, for in-depth study, and for Scripture memorization. The ESV Bible is available in more than 200 print editions, and it is free online anytime everywhere in the world.
Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment is a single chapter work on the everlasting or eternity of hell. Christopher Knapp is a brethren author.
PDF: Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment
theWord: Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment
MySword: Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment
eSword: Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment
The ESV Bible was created by a team of more than 100 leading evangelical scholars and pastors. Since its publication in 2001, the ESV has gained wide acceptance and is used and trusted by church leaders, numerous denominations, and millions of individuals around the world.-theword.net
Let's say you are writing something within theWord (in a BookView Window). You want to insert a verse. Where is that verse that says you should worship only God? Well, you remember part of it, that it is in Matthew 4 in the temptation of Jesus in the desert, but you don't remember exactly where it is. Quick Finding a verse