BHS+ Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (PD).ot
ALXX+ Analytic Septuagint Strongs (PD).ot
ALXX+ Analytic Septuagint Strongs (PD).ot
MCSB Hebrew & Greek Root Words
MCSB+ (Hebrew & Greek Root Words) 1.0 Beta
MCSB Hebrew & Greek Root Words
Matupi Chin Standard Bible with Hebrew and Greek Root Word is a tool that has been very helpful in Hebrew and Greek Study studies. It’s simply a way for any student of Scripture to examine the Greek and Hebrew words that lie behind our English translations. If you know those languages or not, you can still get quite a bit out of the experience.
With our interlinear versions (we have Matupi Chin Standard Bible for now), you’ll see the verses laid out in Matu first with the Hebrew or Greek underneath. Every word is linked to our Matupi Bible Lexicon so that you can explore the definitions and nuances of each.
Westminster-Delitzsch’ Combined Bible
Transliterated Pronounceable Bible
Transliterated Pronounceable Bible is a transliteration (passing the Hebrew letters into letters the English reader can pronounce). It would be of little use to the serious Bible student, except for those who do not know Hebrew, and in that, why would somebody not knowing Hebrew want to pronounce the Hebrew words?
Analytic Septuagint Strong’s
Analytic Septuagint Strong’s
Modern Hebrew Bible
Westminster Leningrad Codex
Hebrew Old Testament Strongs HOT+
Hebrew Old Testament Strongs HOT+ is an esword module that has the Hebrew Old Testament text along with the Strong’s number for lookup in the Strong’s Dictionary module.