About Bibles

Revised English Bible Evaluation

From Tyndale Archive.com

In 1974, the Joint Committee of the Churches, which had produced the New English Bible, decided to begin a major revision of the text. By this time, there were changes in the composition of the Joint Committee. The Roman Catholic Church, with representatives from the hierarchies of England and Wales, of Scotland, and of Ireland, entered into full membership. The United Reformed Church, which was a recent union of the Presbyterian Church of England and the Congregational Church, was represented. Then representatives of the Salvation Army and the Moravian Church joined the committee. Continue reading

Gray Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent and Proof

Gray Inspiration of the Bible Definition, extent, and proof is a shorter work by a conservative author about how the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

The Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent, and Proof

The Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent, and Proof
BY JAMES M. GRAY, D. D., Dean Of Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Ill.

This work (Gray is Episcopalian) is an examination of the Inspiration of Scripture in four chapters.

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