中文英皇欽定本神版 Chinese King James Version God 繁體中文

Description: 中文英皇欽定本神版 Chinese King James Version God 繁體中文
For more information see http://ckjv.asia/.

中文英皇欽定本神版 Chinese King James Version


Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling
is a 13 chapter work on how the Christian's relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ should be. Chapters are... Carnal Christians, The Self Life, Waiting on God, Entrance into Rest, the Kingdom First, Christ our Life, Christ's Humility our Salvation, Complete Surrender, Dead with Christ, Joy in the Holy Ghost, Triumph of Faith, Source of Power in Prayer, That God may be all in all.
PDF: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
theWord: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
MySword: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
eSword: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.