Stedman, Ray – Panorama of the Scriptures

Overview of the Scriptures by Ray Stedman


1 The Goal Of Revelation (Whole Bible) (DP #188) 8 Things Surely To Be Believed, Part II (Jonah-Malachi) (DP #195)
2 God Spoke In Time Past (Old Testament) (DP #189) 9 Four Faces Of Christ (Matthew-Acts) (DP #196)

3 God Has Spoken In These Last Days (New Testament) (DP #190) 10 Christ In You (Romans-Galatians) (DP #197)

4 Five Steps To Maturity (Genesis-Deuteronomy) (DP #191) 11 You In Christ (Ephesians-Philemon) (DP #198)

5 The Message Of History (Joshua-Esther) (DP #192) 12 All About Faith (Hebrews-Jude) (DP #199)

6 Music To Live By (Job, Song of Solomon) (DP #193) 13 The End (Revelation) (DP #200)

7 Things Surely To Be Believed, Part I (Isaiah-Obadiah) (DP #194)


The class, Advanced Bible Searches NEAR shows you how to use the search NEAR function in theWord. This function will allow searching for situations where the word "Son" "Christ" are within so many words or verses of each other, but not necessarily next to each other. This is a very powerful function that is totally lacking in other Bible programs. You "loosely" search for two words or phrases that are just "near each other."