Berkhof, Louis – Introduction to New Testament
Table of Contents of Berkhof, Louis – Introduction to New Testament
1. The Gospels in General
2. Matthew
3. Mark
4. Luke
5. John
6. Acts
7. The Epistles in General
8. The Epistles of Paul
9. The Epistle to the Romans
10. The First Epistle to the Corinthians
11. The Second Epistle to the Corinthians
12. The Epistle to the Galatians
13. The Epistle to the Ephesians
14. The Epistle to the Philippians
15. The Epistle to the Colossians
16. The First Epistle to the Thessalonians
17. The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
18. The Pastoral Epistles
19. The First Epistle to Timothy
20. The Second Epistle to Timothy
21. The Epistle to Titus
22. The Epistle to Philemon
23. The Epistle to the Hebrews
24. The General Epistle of James
25. The First General Epistle of Peter
26 The Second General Epistle of Peter
27. The First General Epistle of John
28. The Second and Third General Epistles of John
29. The General Epistle of Jude
30. The Revelation of John
31 Index of Scripture References
32 Index of Scripture Commentary
Title: Introduction to the New Testament
Author(s): Berkhof, Louis
Publisher: Grand Rapids, MI: Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Rights: Public Domain
Date Created:2004-04-02
Contributor(s): Mike Randall (Digitizer)
CCEL Subjects: All; Bible
Scanned and proofread by Mike Randall
Formatted by David Cox 2009, 2014.
This little work on New Testament Introduction is the result of labor done in and for the class-room, and is primarily intended for my own students. It is not and does not pretend to be a work of original research, but depends in a large measure on the labors of such men as Davidson, Reuss, Weiss, Westcott, Lightfoot, Godet, Holtzmann, Julicher, Zahn, e. a. The indebtedness to these will be evident from its pages.
In method of treatment I have partly gone my own way, both in virtue of principles that are not generally recognized in works of Introduction and for practical considerations. As far as the limits of the work allowed, the directions given by Dr. Kuyper in his Encyclopaedia of Sacred Theology have been followed; not only the human but also the divine side of the Sacred Scriptures has been treated.
It has been my constant endeavor in writing this book, to make it a work that would introduce the students to the books of the New Testament, as they have in fact been transmitted to the Church, and not as some critic or other would have them be. Hence critical questions, though not disregarded, do not loom as large on its pages as they often do in works on Introduction; the positive constructive element has a decided precedence over the apologetic; and the human factor that operated in the origin and composition of the Scriptures, is not studied to the neglect of the divine.
A limited number of copies was printed, partly in deference to the expressed wish of some of my present and past students, and partly because I desire to use it as a text-book in the future, there being none of the smaller works on Introduction, such as those of Dods, Pullan, Kerr, Barth, Peake e. a., however excellent some of them may be in their own way, that gave me what I desired. If the book may in some small measure be instrumental in leading others to a greater appreciation and an ever better understanding of the New Testament writings, I shall be very grateful indeed.
L. BERKHOF. Grand Rapids, Mich., November 30, 1915.
Berkhof, Louis – Introduction to New Testament
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