Anstey How to Master Bible

Anstey – How to Master Bible

Summary of Anstey How to Master Bible

This work is a fifteen chapters long with an appendix. In this work Anstey explains several Bible study methods: Synthetic, Parallel, Topical, Typical, Cyclopedic, Microscopic, and Explanatory, which take up chapter 4 in 7 subdivisions.

AIM: Congregationalist
CIM: Bibliology, Interpretation-Understanding.

Version: 1.1 June 10, 2014

Contents for How to Master Bible

1. How to Understand the Bible
2. How to Enjoy the Bible
3. How to Authenticate the Bible
4. How to Study the Bible:
4A. The Synthetic Method, or Bible Study by Books
4B. The Parallel Method, or Bible Study by Marginal References
4C. The Topical Method, or Bible Study by Topics
4D. The Typical Method, or Bible Study by Types
4E. The Cyclopedic Method, or Bible Study by Bible Dictionary
4F. The Microscopic Method, or Bible Study by Concordance
4G. The Explanatory Method, or Bible Study by Commentary
5. How to Master the Bible
6. How to Wield the Bible
7. How to Enthrone the Bible
8. How to Defend the Bible

formatted by David Cox 2009
[email protected]

Commentary by David Cox

This work basically goes over the basics of how to study the Bible, looking at different methods. In general this is very profitable for new believers, but also for every Christian to review periodically. While I don’t recommend Anglican authors as a general rule, the principles laid out in this work are the same principles that I have seen in a dozen or more similar works by all kinds of theologians.

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In this class on Cross References in Bibles, I show you how to activate the cross references in a Bible and how to use them. There are also files with cross references that can be used with any Bible, and Cross references in a particular Bible.