New European Version of the Bible (just link)

New European Version of the Bible

by Carelink Ministries


This is a new Bible Version by Australian group, Carelink Ministries.

New theWord Dictionary Posts/Modules
Hebrew/Greek Synonym Dictionary is a dictionary module showing the Hebrew to English or Greek to English root words.


The New European Version isn’t a fresh translation; rather is it a remediation into modern English of the New Testament as found in the KJV and ASV. In some difficult and controversial areas, the original Greek text has been retranslated in an attempt to provide dynamic equivalence in modern English.

Overall, the New European Version seeks to provide a text which is in outline terms familiar to those who have been used to the traditional Bible versions, and yet which is sensitive to the needs of those for whom English is a second language. Another intention of this version is to provide a modern English text which is available for use with far more liberal copyright and usage restrictions than those attached to many other modern English versions. Any wishing to reprint or quote at length from the New European Version are welcome to contact the publishers. The layout and text of the New European Version, the commentary and the reduced version of Bible Basics in the appendix are copyright Duncan Heaster. Audio files of the N.E.V. being dramatically read by Steve Gretton are obtainable free from our website

Duncan Heaster is a Christadelphian, and this Bible version and the commentary reflect the doctrines and beliefs of the Christadelphians. read more

About the Author

Note that they reject the traditional doctrine of the Trinity, saying that Jesus is not “God the Son” (i.e. not pre-existent, eternal). They also reject the traditional doctrine of hell, seeing it only as the grave. locates them theologically as Christadelphians.


In this class, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge we show you what is and how to use TSK, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. This work is simply a commentary of all the verses in the Bible where the author has gone through hundreds if not thousands of English study Bibles, and he has added whatever Bible references each of those Bibles had on that particular verse. As a pastor making sermons, this excellent reference tool within theWord can help you generate a very excellent sermon in a minimum of time and effort. This will leave you with a lot of extra time to pursue illustrations, commentary explanations, making structure and outline of the sermon, etc. It is a God send for preachers, really! Pastor David Cox