The Timeless King James Update (TKJU) New Testament

The Timeless King James Update (TKJU) New Testament is an English-dialect update to the King James Authorized Version; intended as a complementary reading, studying, & teaching aid to those reluctant to acclimate to Elizabethan/Early Modern English.


The Timeless King James Update (TKJU) New Testament is an English-dialect update to the King James Authorized Version; intended as a complementary reading, studying, & teaching aid to those reluctant to acclimate to Elizabethan/Early Modern English.

The TKJU aims to communicate God’s Word in more familiar and readable language, while also striving to maintain an uncommon degree of KJV meaning accuracy. Through integrity, the TKJU strives to retain much of the King James Authorized Version’s unparalleled power; subject to an iterative refinement process over time.

Cox A Study on the Trinity
is a short 32-page work on the Trinity with special attention applied towards Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses. Chapters: 1. God is One Monotheism. | 2. Why God is one, but has to be three persons in that one God: Love needs three people. | 3. Other Consideration that God has to be three persons. | 4. God the Father is God | 5. Jesus is God | 6. The Holy Spirit is God. | 7. Unacceptable explanations of the Trinity. | 8 Conclusion. Alternate Download Site:

If you consistently read and internalize the King James Authorized Version (or to a little lesser degree the complementary TKJU), and receive God’s promise in Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: It is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (TKJU); you shall gain stability, strength, security, and surety in your life, and in the life to come.


theWord Format

tkjuNT.ntx (58 downloads ) – theWord Version 1.1

tkjuNT.ntx (128 downloads ) – theWord Version 1.0

tkjuNT.ntx (130 downloads ) – theWord Version 0.9

tkjuNT.ntx (151 downloads ) – theWord Version 0.8

tkjuNT-v0_7.ntx (161 downloads ) – theWord Version 0.7

tkjuNT-v0_6.ntx (160 downloads ) – theWord Version 0.6

MySword Format

tkjuNT.bbl.mybible (58 downloads ) – MySword Version 1.1

tkjuNT.bbl.mybible (134 downloads ) – MySword Version 1.0

tkjuNT.bbl.mybible (113 downloads )  – MySword Version 0.9

tkjuNT.bbl.mybible (117 downloads ) – MySword Version 0.8

tkjuNT-v0_7.bbl.mybible (148 downloads ) – MySword Version 0.7

e-Sword Format

tkjuNT.bbli (36 downloads ) – e-Sword Version 1.1

tkjuNT.bbli (122 downloads ) – e-Sword Version 1.0

tkjuNT.bbli (117 downloads ) – e-Sword Version 0.9

tkjuNT.bbli (112 downloads ) – e-Sword Version 0.8

Adobe Acrobat PDF Version

TKJU_NT-v1_1.pdf (54 downloads ) – PDF Version 1.1

TKJU_NT-v1_0.pdf (113 downloads ) – PDF Version 1.0

TKJU_NT-v0_9.pdf (122 downloads )  – PDF Version 0.9

TKJU_NT-v0_8.pdf (130 downloads ) – PDF Version 0.8

TKJU_NT-v0_7.pdf (137 downloads ) – PDF Version 0.7

TKJU_NT_v0_6.pdf (164 downloads ) – PDF Version 0.6

EPUB Format (can send-to Kindle Paperwhite)

TKJU_NT.epub (47 downloads ) – EPUB Version 1.1

TKJU_NT.epub (102 downloads ) – EPUB Version 1.0

TKJU_NT.epub (129 downloads ) – EPUB Version 0.9

The SWORD Project Format (Ezra, AndBible, Bible Time, Bishop, & Xiphos) (64 downloads ) – SWORD Project Version 1.1 (107 downloads ) – SWORD Project Version 1.0

MyBible – Bible (Android; (64 downloads ) – MyBible (Android) Version 1.1

TKJUntMyBible.registry.json (125 downloads ) – MyBible (Android) Extra Module Registry (for TKJU NT in-app installs / future auto-updates)

The Timeless King James Update (TKJU) New Testament

TKJU module installation instructions for all the above formats can be found here.


In this class, Finding theWord modules quickly, I will walk you through how to quickly find a particular module in the theWord interface.

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