Beza Greek NT+
I am sorry but I do not know a whole lot about this Bible version. It is in Greek. Strong’s numbers have been inserted.
From the Information screen in this Bible…
Theodore Beza (Latin Theodorus Beza, French Theodore de Beze or de Besze) (June 24, 1519 October 13, 1605) was a FrenchProtestant Christian theologian and scholar who played an important role in the Reformation. A member of the monarchomaque movement who opposed absolute monarchy, he was a disciple of John Calvin and lived most of his life in Switzerland.
Baxter Directions for a Peaceful Death is an article of 15 points on a Christian approaching his death and what he should be thinking about. This theme is good for the sick, but everybody should also meditate on these things. (Baxter is reformed).
theWord format
In Inserting Verses in other Programs I walk the theWord user how to insert Bible verses from theWord quickly and efficiently into other programs. The main use of this feature is for pastors and those that preach or teach the Bible, and also for authors who want to insert Bible verses quickly and effortlessly into other software programs.