Mahan With New Testament Eyes

Mahan With New Testament Eyes

Contents of Mahan With New Testament Eyes

Foreward & Acknowledgements
1 – The Fall
2 – Abel’s Offering
3 – The Ark Of Noah
4 – Sarah and Hagar; Law and Grace
5 – The Lord Will Provide
6 – A Bride for the Heir
7 – Bethel – The House of God
8 – Peniel – The Face of God
9 – Joseph Opens the Storehouses
10 – Joseph and His Brothers
11 – Shiloh
12 – The Passover
13 – The Manna
14 – Water from the rock
15 – The Blood Before the Lord
16 – The Ram of Consecration
17 – The Day of Atonement
18 – Caleb – The Faithful Dog
19 – The High Priest Intercedes
20 – The Brazen Serpent
21 – A Prophet Like Moses
22 – The Cities of Refuge
23 – Joshua
24 – The Scarlet Line in the Window
25 – The birth of Samson
26 – The Kinsman Redeemer
27 – The Song of Hannah
28 – Give us a King
29 – Saul’s Great Sin

30 – David and Mephibosheth
31 – Why God Permitted David to Fall
32 – Comfort from God’s Covenant
33 – I Will Not Offer to God that which Cost me Nothing
34 – The Queen of Sheba Comes to Solomon
35 – Three Examples of Faith
36 – Where is the Lord God of Elijah?
37 – Empty Vessels Filled
38 – Naaman, the Leper
39 – Open his Eyes that He may See
40 – Four Lepers Teach us a Lesson
41 – Nehushtan–A Piece of Brass
42 – Bringing Back the Ark
43 – Uzziah’s Great Transgression
44 – Four Things Learned in Trouble
45 – How Can Man be Just With God?
46 – Three Vital Questions
47 – I Know that my Redeemer Liveth
48 – Now Mine Eye Seeth Thee
49 – The Psalm of Messiah the King

50 – God’s two great books
51 – The Psalm of the Cross
52 – The Lord is my Shepherd
53 – True God – True Israel – True Redeemer
54 – Eight Great Precepts
55 – My Hope is in Thee
56 – Many, O Lord, Are Thy Wonderful Works
57 – A Song of Love
58 – The Sinner’s Prayer
59 – My Rock and my Salvation
60 – Our Lord’s Sufferings for Our Sins
61 – Mercy and Truth are Met Together
62 – The Victory of the Messiah
63 – Bless the Lord, O my Soul
64 – Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So
65 – The King-Priest
66 – The Chief Cornerstone
67 – The Observer and the Observed
68 – Praise the Lord O my Soul
69 – Wisdom in Christ
70 – The Conclusion of the Whole Matter
71 – Remember Now Thy Creator
72 – My Beloved is Mine and I am His
73 – What is Thy Beloved more than Another Beloved?
74 – The Lord Our Righteousness
75 – The Believers Hope
76 – From Nothing to Everything

77 – Lost, Driven Away, Broken, Sick
78 – Can These Bones Live?
79 – Four Things God Taught Nebuchadnezzar
80 – Thy God Will Deliver Thee
81 – Hosea–Type of Christ
82 – A Famine to be Feared
83 – Salvation is of the Lord
84 – A Fountain Opened for Mourners
85 – The Messenger of the Covenant


Using theWord Module layout Sets theWord does not just read the particular modules (books) you have in its folder. These books must be registered and added to a "Module Layout Set", which one of these must be chosen. So you can separate, slice and dice your library as you wish, or put them all into a single library. But the module may be invisible if you do not correctly set this up on adding a new module. This class explains all of how to do this.